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Trackies Occasional Newsletter No 9.

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

June 2023

Back Bay boardwalk

The Team has been working hard to get the boardwalk back into its original position and

implementing additional structural initiatives to ensure it stays that way in the event of

similar storms in the future. At this time the boardwalk has been rebuilt and repositioned to

its original position and the future proofing strategy is underway. In the course of

dismantling, examining the failure points, and observing the impact of waves during the

storm the team has a very good idea of the forces we are facing and the strategy needed to

deal with them.

The work has been divided into two stages, stage one we are confident will ensure no future

damage but we will re-evaluate this after perhaps a year and undertake any further work

deemed necessary, a belts and braces approach.

Stage 1. Strengthen the under-deck structure at all changes of direction of the deck, clearly

identified as a weakness and key to the collapse of sections in the cyclone. The lack of a

continuous beam on at least one side appears critical and both sides of the joint now

include multi-bolted steel straps.

All post pairs have now been bolted cross braced with all but the most protected section

being double braced. The bracing has greatly strengthened the rigidity of the deck and

prevented independent movement of the individual posts.

Ground anchors are being installed on either side of the deck initially at every second post

set with the anchors set 1.8m into the substrate and linked to the deck with a Dyneema

rope strop and adjustable turnbuckle. These strops will prevent both lateral and vertical

movement of the boardwalk from wave action, the most damaging component of the


Stage 2. The installation of additional anchors and strops in high risk areas or even along the full length of the structure. However, this latter situation is thought to be highly unlikely.

We have a very talented and experienced team working on this project with the added

advantage of seeing the damage during the actual storm and being able to evaluate all

aspects during deconstruction and restoration. We are confident our strategy will ensure no repeat of such damage occurs.

Lincoln Downs

The Team continues to advance the loop track despite the impact of the recent very wet

weather and expect to see it completed by summer. We are also working to advance agreed

public access with Council so that progress can be made on the access road and parking.

Once this is in place walkers will be able to enjoy this initial track and the Team will focus on extending and linking other sections.

Tanekaha Tracks

A small team continues to work on clearing trees on the Botanical Track, something that has been on-going with the recent rain. The full Team will also be on site one Friday a month working to restore and improve the whole track complex. The last few months have been a trying time for Trackies with work required on almost all parts of our system, roll on summer!

Mangawhai Hills development

The Trust, led by Joel Cayford is working with the developers of a major subdivision

between Tara and Old Waipu Rd. The development will be along conservation principles and includes a significant area of native forest (degraded by past grazing) and extensive areas of new plantings. Joel and a small team are working with the developers in identifying walking tracks with particular reference to the native forest. The development is to include extensive walk/cycle ways and wide public access. The Trust is pleased to have been approached by the developers in the early planning stage to get the best possible outcome for the community.

New Blood

The Trust is very keen to encourage potential new blood into its structure with a number of

Trustees getting pretty long in the tooth (the Chair just turned 80 and has been in the role

since inception!!). We would encourage any Trackie with an interest in wider participation

and possible future role as a Trustee to contact one of the existing Trustees so we can

explore your involvement further.

Current Trustees are: Gordon Hosking (Chair), Roger Ashford (Treasurer), Joel Cayford, Mike Hay, Richard Henry, Barb Lambert, Mike Robinson, and Belinda Vernon.

Maintenance Team

The Maintenance team under the guidance of Mike Robinson remains very active with a

particular focus on urban walkways. They continue to maintain selected tracks in the

Community Park, including Last of the Summer Wine and Paul’s Track, with tree clearing and weed spraying. They also maintain steps and install temporary structures across wet and muddy areas particularly along the Thelma Rd. Track. They welcome new members who are more comfortable with a less strenuous lifestyle, leaving the long walks in and track excavation to those of more robust disposition.

Join the Team.

What a Team! Our Trackies are the engine room of our efforts and bring an amazing level of skill and expertise to our projects. We are always pleased to see new faces (especially young ones – under 50!) so if you are interested in joining us, or know of anyone who is, contact Gordon Hosking

or Mike Robinson


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