Back Bay boardwalk
The continuation of the Back Bay walkway via a 500m boardwalk through the mangroves will finally get underway in April 2020. The long resource consent process of hearings, objectors and Environment Court mediation is finally complete and the Trust is busy raising the necessary funding and obtaining a building consent. Funding has already gratefully received includes Mangawhai Endowment Land Account ($30,000), Pub Charities ($11,200) and Opportunity Factory ($3,000). The boardwalk will provide a through walkway from what is presently a no exit track, and will connect by a short section on Molesworth Drive to the Pearson St Reserve and on to the Tavern. The project will complete a significant section of the round the harbour walkway being largely off road from the causeway to the Tavern.

Boardwalk route from Back Bay jetty to Molesworth Drive
Track upgrades
The Trackies have completed a major upgrade of the Puriri Track in the Tanekaha complex improving grades, track width, and installing steps and crossings. Walkers will also notice improvements in the track to the first waterfall, our most heavily used track. Work is being undertaken by DoC on both the Forest and Botanical Tracks to protect kauri from dieback disease. Although kauri is not common in the reserve there are the occasional ricker and advanced seedlings. A state of the art footwear cleaning station is to be installed at the little swing bridge to increase protection and ensure all footwear is treated.
Walking groups
If you have a walking group visiting the Tanekaha complex and would like a local Trackie along for information, advice on tracks etc. contact us and we may be able to arrange it.
Phone Gordon on 027 4586 500.
Kauri dieback
Work is currently being undertaken by DoC contractors to improve track surfaces adjacent to the few kauri near tracks in the reserve. You may find tracks closed or sections disrupted while this work is undertaken with special reference to the Forest and Botanical Tracks. We apologise for any inconvenience but our primary concern is to ensure the complex remains accessible to walkers while protecting the kauri resource. It is worth reminding walkers that these are tramping tracks and good footwear and appropriate clothing is recommended.

Second waterfall