The Back Bay boardwalk completed just over a year ago (August 2021) has recorded over 20,000 passes in its first 11 months. Proving not only popular for regular walkers, it has provided an essential alternative with regular closure of the Molesworth Drive gravel path over the past 6 months. Maybe Mangawhai Central owe us a vote of thanks as it would have been much more difficult for them should an alternative not existed. With high use it was necessary to remind cyclists to go slow, and be considerate of walkers, the installation of signage to this effect seems to have done the trick.

The Trackies maintenance team continue to maintain the non-boardwalk section of the Back Bay walkway, regularly cutting back the reeds and spraying out weeds. Even when the shared path is complete, and the Molesworth Drive roadside track is transformed, the Back Bay walkway will provide welcome relief from the huge number of cars and heavy vehicles using the road, noise and fumes not the best accompaniment to a quiet walk!